Module 4



Module 4:1 - 

Policies, Procedures & Training

Our policies, procedures and training workshop are implimented and provided to help you do your job better and grow your skills.

The great part of being part of The Study Hub is that you will have the opportunity to grow and expand your skill set and experience.

Throughout the year we will offer training workshops that cover both subject specific and broader topics. We have workshops on a wide range of subjects, from THRASS literacy to tutoring strategies to help you perform at your best.

If you're ever unsure of how to do something our policies and procedures manual should cover it, otherwise email us or book in a time with Fibi.


Module 4:2 - the importance of child safety

At The Study Hub, we place a high value on child safety. We collaborate closely with the Office of the Children's Guardian to ensure that we follow all child safety regulations, which includes requiring a Working with Children check for any tutor over the age of 18 who works with us.

For the sake of clarification, any individual under the age of 18 is considered a child by the Office of the Children's Guardian, therefore the same laws apply whether you're working with a kindergarten student or an HSC student.

It is your job to prioritise child safety. Even if your student is only a year or two younger than you, you must maintain a professional relationship with them at all times.

It is important that you read our Code of Conduct document carefully and ensure you understand all aspect covere

To access our Code of Conduct head to resources to download and read.

Our Child Safety policy and procedures are outlines in our Code of Conduct. It outlines our responsibilities and requirements under the office of the children’s guardian.

If you have any questions regarding child safety please get in touch.

In order to successfully complete this induction you must sign a declaration to advise that you have read and understood our Code of Conduct here.


Module 4:3 - Team Communication!

One of the most undervalued abilities in life is the capacity to communicate effectively.
We put communication at the centre of all we do. It's what we do as tutors, but it's also about communicating with everyone involved in the process: parents, students, and our Study Hub team.
We urge that you make a concerted effort to communicate with us clearly and promptly.

Please answer as quickly as possible if we contact you.

Please contact us if you have any queries or issues.

You can reach out to us via email for questions. We make every effort to respond to you as soon as possible, therefore we humbly request that you allow us to do so.

If you have a problem with a student and feel you can't continue working with them or are no longer able to tutor them, please let us know before you take any action or inform the parent. We'll look into a few options and let you know what to do next.

Effective communication is crucial and makes everyone's life easier.
If we have to follow up with you on a regular basis, we will most likely stop providing you with new students and may even take existing students back. We don't want to have to send you many reminders and emails to get a response because this isn't school. The last thing we want is keeping our clients waiting. It is unprofessional and does not look good!

We appreciate you being such a great communicator in advance!

You can contact us via:

Email: or directly to Fibi -

Office hours are 9am-1pm Monday to Thursday. We ask you reserve calling for urgent or complex issues – queries regarding payments or account issues will be better dealt with via email.


Module 4:4 - Non-Compete & First Session 100% Satisfaction Guarenteed

Non Compete refers to section 27 of the Tutor Agreement.

27.1  You may engage in other work during the Term provided it does not conflict with your obligations under these Terms. If you become aware of any conflict of interest between these Terms and any other work you have been offered or are undertaking, you must inform us immediately in writing and take all steps as reasonably agreed with us to resolve the conflict.
27.2  You agree, that in consideration of the contract and remuneration provided under these Terms, during the Term and when the Term ends, not as a sole trader, partner, manager, employee, director, consultant, advisor, shareholder, unit holder, trustee or with any other entity in which you may at any time have any direct or indirect interest do any of the following:

(a)  directly approach, canvass, solicit or deal with any of our Clients (or their parents or guardians) with whom you had contact with during the duration of these Terms (who were our Clients at the date of termination of these Terms or within the 12 months prior); or
(b)  induce or solicit any of our employees, contractors or agents or any of their subsidiaries or related companies to leave our employment, agency or engagement or such subsidiary or related company (who were employees, contractors or agents at the date of termination of these Terms or within the 12 months prior).
27.3  This clause applies for:

(a)  twelve (12) months, or (if that duration is held by a court to be unreasonable);
(b)  six (6) months, or (if that duration is held by a court to be unreasonable);
(c)  three (3) months,

(d)  the Commonwealth of Australia, or (if that geographical area is held by a court to be unreasonable);
(e)  the States or Territories in which you supply the Services for us at the date of termination of these Terms, or (if that geographical area is held by a court to be unreasonable);
(f)  the metropolitan area of the capital cities in which you perform Services for us at the date of termination of these Terms.

We make every effort to make The Study Hub a fantastic place to work. We provide excellent benefits, a great deal of flexibility, and a welcoming community that looks great on a CV. We ask that you respect this by abiding by our non-solicitation policy and remembering that The Study Hub students are always The Study Hub students.

You are free to tutor your own students privately and work for other companies if you so desire, but you must respect the time and effort that has gone into building relationships with the families we support and ensure that any student assigned to you by The Study Hub remain under The Study Hub's supervision.

This extends beyond your time with us – even if you decide to cease tutoring, any attempt to contact your student and work with them privately will be seen as a breach of contract and will be pursued.

We take this very seriously and have taken previous tutors to court as a result. As a sub-contractor you are your own business, so this is a business relationship – it doesn’t matter if you are only young and don’t have money, as a business to business relationship the contract we enter is binding and you will still be liable if pursued.

We appreciate your adherance to our non-compete clause.


3.6 -3.5 First Session 100% Satisfaction Guarenteed

When you select a job you wish to take on this is your opportunity to prove that you are the tutor for the job. We have done everything we can to build trust and convince the parent that we are the service for them, and now the baton passes to you – it is up to you to show how you can bring value to their child-like no one else. 

3.5       The first session with any new student is covered by our First Session 100% Satifaction guarantee, meaning they are only charged if they choose to continue with regular sessions with the tutor. Payment for the first session with any new student will therefore only be paid upon that student electing to continue to regular sessions.

3.6       The tutor acknowledges and accepts that if the Client decides not to proceed with the Services for whatever reason, no fees will be due for that first session from The Study Hub to the tutor.

What does this mean for you?
  • You will still be paid for the first session. All you need to do is ensure you come prepared and leave a great impression so that parents will want to continue working with you and book you in as their child's tutor ongoing.
To give you the skills and opportunity to nail your first session, we have created a First Session Worksheet with 10 tips on how to nail your first session with your new student.
You may also find this in our resource folder.